Coronavirus: Jamie Dornan’s plea for NI public to heed advice

Jamie Dornan in the video from the Health and Social Care BoardJamie Dornan in the video from the Health and Social Care Board
Jamie Dornan in the video from the Health and Social Care Board
Hollywood actor Jamie Dornan has added his voice to the growing number of Northern Ireland celebrities urging people to self-isolate.

Calling for everyone to take the health professionals’ advice on how to limit the spread of Covid-19, he said: “The more we fall in line with this now, the quicker it will be over.”

The 50 Shades of Grey star made his plea in a video posted online by Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care Board.

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Urging everyone to stay indoors as much as possible, he said: “It’s a very simple message but a lot of people are really struggling to adhere to it.

“It won’t be forever – everything will still be there when you come out.

“There are very few people who aren’t massively affected.”

The Co Down-born actor added: “The only way we are going to beat this is if we just listen to what the people who know have to say – which is to stay inside.”

In the video, he recommends reading books, learning a language and keeping fit as a way to pass the time productively.

“Stay safe – stay inside,” he added.

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The Northern Ireland football manager has also thrown his weight behind the public awareness campaign with his own video message.

Recorded by Sport NI, Michael O’Neill said: “Stay at home and save lives. Wash your hands and save lives. Keep two metres apart and save lives. Social distancing will save lives.”

In recent days, footballer Stuart Dallas, superbike champion Jonathan Rea and boxer Paddy Barnes have all made similar appeals.